Daily Sale Affiliate Partners. We wanted to share an important change in our Program Terms. Please read over and make an changes necessary to your PPC Marketing campaigns.
DailySale PPC Program Update
Recently, we’ve had a change to our PPC policy, that has been updated for you in the ShareASale affiliate network. Moving forward, PPC bidding on the URL’s or misspellings of Daily Sale’s company name are prohibited. In addition the following terms have been considered trademarked which include but are not limited to:
“daily sale”, “dailysale”, “dailysale.com”, “daily sales”, “dailysales”, “dailysales.com”, “www.daily sale.com”, “www.dailysale.com”, “www.daily sales.com”, “www.dailysales.com”. In addition, the following trademarked+ terms are also restricted: “daily sale site”, “daily sale website”, ”daily sales site”, and “daily sales website”
Additionally, you may not directly link to www.dailysale.com in PPC ads any longer.
Please reach out to Posted in Affiliate Information