About PublishersClearingHouse.com:
Publishers Clearing House is America’s most trusted and respected sweepstakes marketer. It was in 1967 that the company first launched a sweepstakes campaign, and not surprisingly, a chance to win money generated significant response. We are the leader in sweepstakes offers and our commercials are seen by millions every year in addition to the millions of direct mailers we send. Consumers know our brand!
Sweepstakes offers have been a source of entertainment and excitement ever since, driving high user engagement for online media programs. We have awarded more than $240 million in prizes…and we are still counting!
If you can drive registrations to our site via sweepstakes, email lists, contests or more, we want to talk to you!
The PublishersClearingHouse.com:
Please note, we do not allow any PPC marketing. Additionally we do not offer coupons. New affiliates will be capped at 1,000 registrations to begin.
Have other ideas on how you’d like to earn commissions from Publisher Clearing House? Please let us know and we can structure a personalized program to help maximize your earnings!
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