1. Check your Navigation
Make it easy for consumers to find what they want and remember that simple and straightforward is often better. Think about paring down your home page to focus on three or four main things. Your phone number or contact information should be visible on every page of your website. It is also important to check your site for broken links at least quarterly. If you’re linking to external sites and those links are broken, it doesn’t just hurt you in terms of search engine optimization, it also annoys potential customers.
2. Remove Adobe Flash and any autoplay features.
Flash is really distracting to most users, and it doesn’t work on iPhones or iPads. Additionally, if someone has an older version of Flash on their computer, it may not run on there either. Secondly, no one wants to visit your site, only to be blasted with Adele's “Rolling in the Deep” as soon as the page loads. Those annoying autoplay site widgets are distracting to your users and will distract you from making more sales.
3. Test Your Website on All Browsers
Many websites render differently depending on what browser the user is running. Make sure your website looks the same on all browsers and there are no crazy distortions. Before you do that, you will want to know which browsers are most commonly used by your visitors so you can focus your efforts on making your site render perfectly in those browsers. Google Analytics (You have that code installed, right?) will show you a breakdown of which browsers are being used by your visitors and how many visitors are using each one.
Once you know what browsers your visitors are using, enter your website URL into http://browsershots.org/ and see how your pages look when they are rendered across various browsers.
4. Freshen Content
Content is one of the keys to a good website and it’s important that the content appear as fresh as possible. The same can be said for blogging. If you’ve added a blog to your website but you never write and the posts are months old, it’s better not to have a blog at all . You should be adding to your blog at least weekly. Probloggingsuccess.com is a great resource that will provide you a stream of great ideas to write about so your blog is fresh and updated.
5. Re-visit Your Keywords
Keep your keywords current with search queries. Depending on your industry, search queries might have changed or evolved. Make sure your keywords are still relevant and optimized. Reach out to your merchants and ask for an updated keyword list of top selling products. With the changing seasons, you can be sure that their inventory will be turning over. You'll want to stay on top of promoting the merchants best selling products!