Earn up to 60% Commission in December from Envy Electronic Cigarettes!

Electronic Cigarettes

Envy is the leading electronic cigarette program out there and pays 35% base commission!We have an amazing opportunity for you in December to earn up to 60% commission!
(SAS max 45%, CJ max 60%, based on sales tiers + December maximum bonus potential)

This kind of commission rate is unheard of these days, but EnvyCig is excited about launching their new affiliate program, and you can reap the rewards of being one of their first affiliates with their amazing kick-off bonus campaign!

Here is how the extra 10% works:
$100 or more – 1% commission bump
$200 or more – 2 % commission bump
$300 or more – 3 % commission bump
$400 or more – 4 % commission bump
$500 or more – 5 % commission bump
$600 or more – 6 % commission bump
$700 or more – 7 % commission bump
$800 or more – 8 % commission bump
$900 or more – 9 % commission bump
$1000 or more – 10 % commission bump
Sales will be calculated from 12/01/12 – 12/31/12  and the bonus will be awarded,based on each affiliate’s overall sales, in early January!

Good luck!
