Welcome to the MGECOM Family: Baboosh Baby

A big welcome to Babooshbaby.com, our newest addition to the MGECOM family!  Babooshbaby.com is a progressive online store specializing in products to help women get their bodies back into shape after baby. Renowned TV personality, Mommy Correspondent on the hit show ‘The Doctors’, soon to be author and co-CEO of ModernMom.com, Brooke Burke along with her mom, developed babooshbaby.com over two years ago.

Brooke took an age old secret of wrapping your belly after pregnancy and brought it to the states. The theory behind Tauts belly Wraps is to train your abs after baby to keep your stomach muscles tight. This is what flattens your tummy. The feedback is phenomenal! We are offering 10% commission on all sales originating from your site!

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