Dream Water Reviewed by the Affiliate Account Exec

Yes mgecom manages the affiliate program for DrinkDreamWater.com, so I’m sure there will be many that read this and say that I’m only pointing out the positive because that’s what I’m supposed to do so affiliates will promote it and sell thousands of cases. To an extent you would be right…I am supposed to make affiliates want to promote the product, but at the same time I could do that in other ways than writing up my personal experience with the product. Plus, if you think I’m blowing smoke, go get your own free sample and decide for yourself.

Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, let me give you some back story. I just found out about Dream Water maybe 3 weeks ago. I had never heard of it until it came through our biz dev channel here at mgecom and I was a skeptic. This is kind of odd since I swear by energy drinks (does Monster need affiliate management by chance?). However, the idea of a “relaxation drink” I had originally thought to be a bit gimmicky, but I’m not one to write something off without giving it a fair shot. The fact that DrinkDreamWater.com offered a free sample didn’t hurt as I could try it without risk. So, with Snoozeberry Shot in hand, I gave it a try last night.

Dream Water is supposed to relieve stress. With a baby due any day now, plus trying to close on and move into a new house and an ever increasing workload as the Onboarding Director here at mgecom (see all of the “Welcome to the Family…” blog posts get a feel for how many new clients have been coming onto our client roster lately) I would say that stress is definitely something I have. It’s also supposed to help you sleep soundly. As I mentioned, I have a pregnant wife and we are living out of my in-laws’ house, sleeping in a full size bed. I do not sleep soundly most nights. If Dream Water could deliver on either of these proposed benefits, I would be thoroughly happy. Turns out I’m pretty ecstatic because it managed both.

I drank the shot just before 10 pm last night. It was a little bitter. Not in a bad way and likely due to the pomegranate in the Snoozeberry flavoring.  I laid in bed checking Facebook on my iPhone and started to drift within about 20 minutes. I gave in and just slept. Next thing I remember is waking up at 7 am this morning completely refreshed. I was up before the alarm, not in that stumble-out-of-bed-crashing-into-doors-squinting-against-the-least-bit-of-light kind of way. I was fully awake and ready to roll.

So to recap: Stress relief? Check. I avoided the racetrack of my mind at the end of the day when I lay in bed staring at the ceiling in the dark trying to process all of life’s events for the day. Sound sleep? Absolutely. I didn’t even notice my wife get out of bed in the morning to get ready for work, or the multiple trips that she took in the middle of the night (as all pregnant women do) to the bathroom.

Final thoughts? Great product. Anyone who needs to just chill out and get some quality sleep should seriously consider trying Dream Water. It’s a great natural option to sleep meds and doesn’t have the side effects either. Plus there’s great flavors like Snoozeberry, Lullaby Lemon, and I Dream of Kiwi. Who wouldn’t want to try those flavors?

If I wasn’t working for the company managing the affiliate program I would totally be an affiliate and tell others that they need to try it out. You should to. Click here to sign up and become and affiliate today. (That’s not me in the picture by the way. I don’t get that enthusiastic, and I rarely wear a suit…)