How to Optimize Your iViZ Security Affiliate Program

The iViZ Security Affiliate program has high commissions, but as a new program is it sometimes hard to find the right placement to make conversions. Penetration testing may not be something most people are familiar with, so let’s start there.

Any web-based business that stores client information needs to keep that information safe. ecommerce is a good example of a business that needs to keep sensitive information safe from hackers. These sites use firewalls and other security programs to defend their information from attackers. Penetration testing needs to be performed on a regular basis to make sure the security measures are working. The test sees how far a hacker would be able to penetrate the security system (how much information could be stolen). iViZ Security is able to complete these penetration tests faster than other companies. iViZ lends itself to be used on a  convenient schedule to reduce the interference with day-to-day business. See a case study on iViZ Security solutions for ecommerce.

Place iViZ Security with content closely related to business solutions and security solutions. Ecommerce content will be appropriate, but affiliates will want a highly targeted audience to see these links in order to make conversions.

As always, mgecom is here to help. Please get in touch if you need placement ideas or have any questions about the program.