We’ve updated our banners! BareFootTess banners now match the site, we’ve seen a great increase in conversions so be sure to check that your banners are linking correctly.
We have also added many new text links. Check out all the new choices that link directly to product pages. A great tool for all but especially for all of you PPC affiliates. Our top converting brands are all included so get some new links up today.
BareFootTess also has a data feed available through CJ so be sure to utilize the feed on your sites!
Commission structure and Pay-per-click-policy
BareFootTess now has a new commission structure. Commissions are tired from 13%-16% as follows:
- 14% Sales over $7,501.00
- 15% Sales over $20,000.00
- 16% Sales over $40,000.00
Additionally, we now offer a flat 15% commission on all BareFootTess brand products and our cookie duration has been extended to 60 days!
The only restriction we place on our affiliates is that you may not bid on our branded terms or variations thereof (barefoottess.com, www.barefoottess.com, BareFootTess coupons, barefoottess, barefoot tess, etc.). All other keywords and phrases are open to you and you may bid as aggressively as you like. Finally, you ARE permitted to use our display URL in your PPC ads and may direct link from the ad to any page on our site.
If you’re not a BareFootTess affiliate, now is the time to join. Please contact Jen Kiernan with questions or concernes for this program.