Contest Still Running
Last week our conversion rate was 5.48% thanks for the hard work and support! The program wouldn’t be a success without you.
Heel-That-Pain is still running the iPod Nano contest through the end of May! If you still haven’t had a chance to put your links up and participate yet then now is the time. Get your links up to start generating sales, it’s still a close race and opportunity for anyone to step up to the plate.
Just to review the rules, to participate all you have to do is generate sales! For each valid sale, your publisher name will be entered into a random drawing and one will be selected at the end of the month as the winner. There is no limit to how many times you may be entered into the drawing, so start now!
Get more for your work, with Heel-That-Pain. Commissions and entered into a raffle for an ipod Nano, all in a days work!
Affiliate Bonus Incentive
On top of the contest we are running, Heel That Pain will also be offering the new affiliate bonus to all inactive affiliates who become active. To take advantage of this bonus, affiliates must generate 3 sales. Once the 3 sales have been generated that affiliate’s commission rate will be increased from 17% to 19% for the following calendar month. The three sales also count towards the iPod Nano contest so start now so I can increase your commission! (:
As always, if there is anything I can do to help please don’t hesitate to ask/ contact Jen Kiernan directly. (Site suggestions, product descriptions, keyword suggestions, etc). Thanks again for all the hard work and support that has lead to the success of the program! (:
Not in the program?!?! Join the Heel That Pain Affiliate program now and partake in the contest and bonus. (: