A lot of your customers are attempting to save money by shopping on your sites, looking for coupons and the best deals around. You can inform that the best deal they could come up with in the long run is an investment in energy saving, and energy efficient lighting. You can point your customers towards the energy efficient lighting products that can save them lots of money in the long-term at the LightingShowplace.com.
Have your customers consider this: If every home in the United States replaced their 5 most frequently used lighting fixtures with energy efficient models we would save almost $8 billion annually in energy costs. We would also prevent the equivalent of greenhouse gasses from almost 10 million cars from going into the atmosphere. Now, that’s a big impact!
Post some links, we’ve got a bunch of “green” banners on CJ and you can start making sales on a variety of efficient products at the LightingShowplace.com. Don’t forget that free shipping is also offered on orders over $75. Promoting these green products is sure to benefit you, your customers, and the world as a whole.
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